Atlas of Clinical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

This book delivers more state-of-the-art GI endoscopy images than you'll find in any other atlas, to help you accurately interpret any endoscopic finding you may encounter in practice.


• More than 1,500 illustrations—more than 50% new to this edition—capture the characteristic presentation of the complete spectrum of GI conditions. • Correlative histology and radiology findings facilitate diagnosis. • An organization by gastrointestinal organ and then by disease makes it easy to quickly find the images you're looking for. • Thumbnail diagrams point out the key features depicted in the image without obscuring the picture.

What's New

• A new chapter on ERCP helps you make optimal use of this essential technique. • A bonus CD-ROM lets you incorporate all of the text’s illustrations and images into your own electronic presentations.

Dettagli Articolo

Tipologia: Libro
Autore: Wilcox, Munoz Navas, Sung
Pubblicato: 2007, 2nd edition, Hardback · 504 Pages · 2450 Illustrations

Casa Editrice: Elsevier-Saunders
ISBN: 1416031731
Sommario: Chapter 1. Oropharynx and Hypopharynx
Chapter 2. Esophagus
Chapter 3. Stomach
Chapter 4. Duodenum and Small Bowel
Chapter 5. Colon
Chapter 6. Anorectum
Chapter 7. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography

Prezzo Scontato: € 169.00

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